Every Kingdom survives on having many departments that compliment each other. These various departments come together to cohesively bring about the advancement and prosperity of the kingdom.
I have taken a keen interest on economics as of late and from what I have gleaned - from a secular end - economics is the study of man and how he relates to his environment. Human beings seek for means to better their resources and improve their services whenever there is the urgency (some inventions were necessitated) or it can simply be for the pleasure of it.
There is only one Kingdom that is going to last forever and that is the kingdom of God. Even the wise of this world understand the foolhardy of building or investing in an economy that would be headed for the sandpit. A greater wisdom would be to bank in an economy that never fails, that's got wells of wealth that never run dry and keep all who thirst satisfied.
Unfortunately many people in God's Kingdom do not understand how His economy operates and are shortchanged in their operations. Many obviously know the calling of God on their lives but are weighed down by the onus of lack and insufficiency having been saddled with wrong doctrines that have left their dreams in the doldrums.
If we search the scriptures we would discover that it is contrary to the nature of a rich God to create lack. Observe that I said "create." God wants to be a provider and takes no pleasure in seeing His creation suffer through lack. But creation has common enemies - sin and death. These nefarious duo have conspired in keeping creation out of the will and purpose of God. Where there is sin, a righteous God has to Judge, and the consequence is always death - death to the provision of something, be it health, wealth, knowledge, prosperity, etc. The only solution to this malady is to return to God and submit to His Spiritual Word.
Not everybody is called to walk in the fivefold ministries of God's Kingdom in the earth. Not all are called to be Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers and Pastors. God has purposed some to be business tycoons, skilled artisans, administrators, politicians, designers, sports personnel, etc. The kingdom of God would only be complete and the Church ready for Jesus' return if we all play our part in replenishing the earth and restoring it by taking back all the devil has stolen.
It is time for the giant in you to awaken! It is time for you to fulfill that which was ordained for you to accomplish even before the world began. Go about your business, be fruitful and multiply. Say yes, say Yes to God and you would accomplish exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think of!
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord : though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land
(Isaiah 1:18-19 KJV).