Many People tend to see blessings mainly as having material possessions, earthly comfort and satisfaction. This is primarily, I believe, because of the level we are at spiritually in the Body of Christ. Many can blame it on the teaching we have today, but how many people who point accusing fingers really do search out the Truth for themselves? The scriptures provide us with the answers we need, although we need the anointing-quickening power of the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to the deeper truths of God. If we raise the ladder, other people around us would also have the opportunity to go higher.
It is a good thing to have blessings in earthly activities, to have children and to generally prosper in that which we lay our hands to do. There is no over-emphasizing that for it to be recognized. I personally need the Lord to open doors for me; I need food, shelter, clothing, favor, breakthrough and all the "good things" life has to offer, it is not a bad thing. Even our Lord Jesus had a treasurer who stored the money that was needed for He and His disciples. But the Lord's priorities were never misplaced. He understood what and where the greater treasures were without disregarding the lesser ones. We must understand this wisdom if we desire to make any SIGNIFICANT progress.
Scripture says, "All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ" (Ephesians 1:3, NLT), that certainly means more than having the resources we can see with our earthly eyes. Wealth has been defined by a whole lot of people as simply Having Money, it is enshrouded in their lexicon and phrases. Although we have people who have a better and deeper understanding, acKNOWLEDGING that: "Health is wealth." We must however seek after spiritual things until we are rest satisfied that Rivers of Living Water flow out of our bellies. For it is written: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you
(See Matthew 6:33). A person is only but a poor fellow who is earthly rich and heavenly poor. We must seek Heaven's approval of our walk in the earth, even if it might cost us our carnal wealth. It is better to be rich in spiritual things and average or poor in earthly things, but best to be both rich in spiritual things and earthly things. We can have both! We only need the Wisdom of God and the humility of the Cross to leverage of our works. It is all useless to have wealth and exalt ourselves beyond WHERE WE HAVE BEEN PLACED. Humility is one the greatest spiritual treasures. Paul's example of having a thorn in the flesh allowed by the Lord to keep him from being proud is a paragon of how much important humility is in keeping it all together.
A balance must be kept in knowing that being heavenly minded does not negate the need for being earthly useful - the Blessing of the Lord from heaven enriches the earth that was put under our custody in the first place. The two must go hand in hand. The ultimate purpose of God for us is that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In the beginning, the earth was put under our authority, we lost it and it has been given back to us, without our first calling neglected. For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn ( Romans 11:29, NLT).
An open heart that cries out for the Righteousness and Justice of God is paramount to enjoying His blessings. If we are willing and obedient, God will dwell with us; His Love will be seen in us; He will heal our land; we would have the faith that moves mountains; we would receive fresh and new ideas; we would be creative; we would be fruitful, we would multiply and we would be used to restore all that the enemy has stolen with all the God made resources available in the heavens and the earth. The earth is still the Lord's and it's fullness thereof, but He will only give it to the Meek.