It is certain that angels and not only men would have had this freedom laid before them. Some of them chose evil and left their abode, exposing the corruptible things they had used to defile themselves with to man. Man was not forced however - he had a choice: to resist or to cave in. We know how it has ensued and how things have continued to unfold since the beginning of time.
Messengers were sent on a mission to deliver however, they carried with them scrolls indicating the weight of the heart of the Father of creation. But man was obviously moping through carbon monoxide, choking and barely seeing the breath of fresh air that was blown his way. As the smoke continued to disperse, little by little - just as the ants dig their holes, the message began to sink in, scrolls became immaterial and began to melt into the spirits of man. The whisper in the wind was beginning to be a bang, the aftermath of lightening bolts tearing through the atmosphere.
Angels of light marvel, eager to see more of this secret counsel - secrets unearthed, unfolding like the miraculous germination of seeds. They are eager to serve these ones whom albeit being small, have such awesome revelations written in the depths of their souls.
Their paths are openly covered by surreptitious beasts awaiting them. The Master's eye is on and in them as He is with them through their earthy journey. He is more protective than a hen with chicks. Malicious birds circle the sky, kooork! kooork!! their unpleasant sounds reverberate around the atmosphere. But the mother hen resolves with the resilient heat of a thousand burning coals removed from a furnace heated 10 times its normal capacity to lose not one of her chicks (have you ever seen a hen protecting its young? It's one of the most remarkable things to see. Such courage in a naturally very cowardly animal).
It wouldn't be possible or fair that man would bear this weight on his shoulders alone. Before time even began, the God head had a council meeting, the Son of God would be given in exchange to save the prisoners behind the dock found guilty. Cupid hangs his bow in retirement and watches from a distance, arms fallen, and then folded, recognizing his inability to shoot that far, for to try would be to shoot father than far itself.
When the Sun entered a certain constellation and the moon had run its course of nights numerously, the time was ripe, ripe for the fruit to fall from the tree. It was time to pluck salvation. The Lord removed his regalia and embraced the rag of humanity, fondly, like a lover would another lover who had been missed after being away for such a long time. The concept of this knowledge was a strange one: who had ever thought that what was dead could be brought back to life? Satan had heard God say there would be salvation, but he was faithful in his ignorance that it could be truncated. As it manifested, he saw it fly over his head. he pulled his hair and scratched his head, the red dragon huffed and puffed. The realisation of his demise dawned like dawn itself: O lucifer how thou art fallen! You were beauty personified, but you embraced corruption. The end of darkness was sure, as sure as the coming down of a stone thrown upwards by a mortal hand.
It is said that coal and diamond are cut from the same cloth - of the same chemical element - dust was going to become the CaRbOn copy of gold, forged in the eternal fires of love!
All that was thought impossible began to have a redefinition.
The Lord stretches the hand of salvation: "Will you serve Me or will you let the enemy drag you where his chains bind you in a multitude of unspeakable horrors? satan would neither go down alone nor without swinging.
"The ancient balm of Gilead is still available to heal. I would recover all that has been stolen, if you let Me. Serve me and you will see the goodness of truth. Give me your heart as I have given you Mine."
Through the valley of the shadow of death, Michael and his crew, Gabriel with scroll in hand and the rest of the hosts of heaven watch, eyes wide open, ears as attentive as could be, hoping that all would make it through. They see flesh go where celestial beings would have dreaded going alone. Angels only go because Blood had gone. When they see The Blood speaking in man, they then have the capacity to go!
The joy of heaven shakes the foundations of the abode of the princes of darkness.These ones who are being forged from dust to gold continue to express the desire of all of creation - to look like the Maker more and more. Love is the deepest nature of God, right in the Holy of Holies. Power, Wisdom, Peace, Joy, Righteousness, all come afterwards, but all ever so important and non neglect-able, just as ears need eyes and eyes need ears. The love that has saved is more powerful than all of creation's armies put together - in heaven and on earth and even in hell. It explodes and brings down stars and everything that is unjustly exalted, down to the ground, binding them even underneath it. The humble are exalted and the exalted in pride, humbled.
The secrets of life are naked. Angelic beings would rather be here watching than be anywhere else in the entire multiverse. Nothing explains the nature of God better than this. Death given for life, worth its weight in gold.
Many will make it though the way and lift their banners, dancing in joy for all of eternity to see. Some see only an inch in front of them, some are eagles in the sky, but they all forge through, sheep hearing their Pastor. Who can snatch out of the hand of Life ? no not one, no not death! Good emerges victorious over evil. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Light is more powerful than darkness. Competition is none! When Light appears, darkness is forced out like an evacuated tenant refusing to pay rent.
The Lord God of heaven and earth and all that is contained underneath speaks... Will you listen?
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